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1.15 lakh students to get ₹110 crore under Jagananna Vasathi Deevena in Krishna

Rural Development Minister Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy on Monday released ₹110.58 crore to the 1.15 lakh students under the Jagananna Vasathi Deevena (JVD) scheme here.

Mr. Ramachandra Reddy, Transportation Minister Perni Nani and Krishna District Collector A.Md. Imtiaz formally displayed a cheque pertaining to the financial benefit that was to be deposited into the bank account of the mothers’ of the students, who are pursuing Intermediate and higher education.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Ramachandra Reddy said the State government would help the poor student to pursue higher education.

Mr. Imtiaz has said, “All the arrangements have been completed to issue the identity cards of the JVD and Jagananna Vidya Deevena schemes to the beneficiaries through the Volunteers in the Krishna district.” The officials, parents and the students were present.

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