Budaga Jangam community seeks welfare hostel

Members of the Beda, Budaga Jangam Welfare Youth Association demanded that a hostel be constructed in the district to make sure that their children get a proper education.

They submitted a memorandum to Joint Collector Syed Khaja Mohiuddin on Friday.

Association president T. Manohar said that the community members are largely nomadic and do not have permanent residences. “This is our culture. Due to which, we are unable to provide proper education to our children,” he added.

He said that due to lack of caste certificates, the children are not able to get admission into the hostels.

According to Mr. Manohar, the government had already released ₹40 lakh in July 2019 towards constructing a hostel in the district. However, he claims that the hostel was not constructed due to various political and other reasons.

The association asked the district authorities to look into the matter and take necessary action.

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