Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development Botcha Satyanarayana on Saturday said the government constituted the Special Investigation Team (SIT) to inquire into the alleged irregularities in major policies, projects, programmes, and key administrative sanctions during the TDP term post bifurcation as highlighted by the Cabinet Sub Committee in its report.
“Leaders who were Ministers then and others involved in the alleged wrongdoings should face the inquiry instead of accusing the government of harassing them,” Mr. Satyanarayana said.
The Minister was addressing the media after reviewing the arrangements for the Chief Minister’s visit on February 24.
ESI row
Referring to the alleged irregularities committed in the purchase of medicines and equipment for the ESI hospitals when K. Atchannaidu was Minister for Labour and Employment during the TDP term, Mr. Satyanarayana said, “The TDP leaders are saying that Mr. Atchannaidu is being dragged into the issue as he belongs to the Backward Classes. This is a baseless argument. Every leader, irrespective of the caste he or she belongs to, is answerable as public money is involved. The SIT will take care of such issues in a free and fair manner.”
He further denied the allegations being levelled by the opposition parties that the government was forcibly acquiring land for distribution of house sites to the poor.
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