Four-day IIPE workshop on research opportunities

Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy (IIPE), Visakhapatnam is organising a four-day workshop on ‘Research Opportunities in Petroleum, Energy and Natural Gas (ReOPEN-2020)’ at Hotel Green Park from February 24 to 27, institute director V.S.R.K. Prasad said at a press conference here on Saturday.

“The workshop will see experts from India and abroad coming together to discuss advanced research opportunities and challenges associated with petroleum, renewable energy and natural gas processing. Focus will be on technologies that can improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and bring renewable energies closer to implementation,” Mr. Prasad said.

Members of oil industries and eminent professionals from research laboratories will share their expertise on current and future research scenarios in industries, he said. The workshop will feature elaborate sessions on recent and future aspects in the energy and petroleum sector, research and educational opportunities in petroleum and energy engineering, energy conversion and solar energy, he said.

IIT Kharagpur Prof. S. Neogi, IIPE Registrar Dr. B. Sridhar Reddy, and IIPE faculty Dr. Arun Kumar Pujari were present.

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