APSRTC Prepares Report on Feasibility of Free Bus Travel for Women

APSRTC May Need 2,000 Buses for Free Bus Travel for Women

Before coming to power, the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) in Andhra Pradesh promised free travel for women in its election manifesto. In this regard, officials have prepared a preliminary report on the implementation of this scheme.

Additionally, a ministerial sub-committee led by Transport Minister Mandipalli Ramprasad Reddy has been formed to review the plan.

This committee will examine similar free bus schemes implemented in other states, as well as the preliminary report submitted by the officials.

In Andhra Pradesh, approximately 4.4 million passengers travel daily on RTC buses, with around 2.7 million purchasing tickets each day.

About 2.4 million passengers use super-luxury and AC buses daily, and officials estimate that this number could increase by up to 1 million in the future.

Currently, 60% of RTC passengers are men, while 40% are women. The occupancy rate stands at 69%, and it is expected to rise to 95% once the free bus scheme is implemented.

However, this increased demand will require a proportional increase in resources. Officials estimate that over 2,000 additional buses and about 11,500 new personnel, including drivers, conductors, and mechanics, will be needed to meet the demand.

Currently, the APRTC generates daily revenue of ₹16–17 crore, of which ₹6–7 crore comes from female passengers. If the free bus scheme is implemented, this revenue will be lost, leading to an estimated monthly deficit of ₹200 crore.

Considering these factors, the ministerial sub-committee is set to submit its report on the feasibility of the scheme.

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