Govt. seizing land owned by TDP supporters, alleges Kalava

The YSR Congress Government has forcibly taken away land belonging to the supporters of Telugu Desam Party in various mandals of Anantapur district, alleged TDP leader Kalava Srinivasulu and party district president B.K. Parthasarathy.

At a press conference here on Saturday, the TDP leaders alleged that the revenue officials were seizing the land at the behest of the MLAs and they also threatened to start a massive agitation against it.

They claimed that the pattas allocated by the TDP government during its rule in Guntakal and Rayadurg have been cancelled and the land is being given to fresh beneficiaries.

“If the government wishes to provide houses to each and everyone, let them first sanction funds for the completion of the ongoing houses and let the YSRCP take the credit for it,” said Mr. Srinivasulu.

Some people have been using the village common land/ government land for sheltering cattle, stacking hay or fertilizer, which is being taken away and given to the YSRCP supporters, he alleged.

Mr. Parthasarathy questioned as to why only the land owned by the TDP supporters were taken, whereas those that were owned by the YSRCP leaders were left untouched.

Referring to the housing scheme that aims to offer one cent of land to 1.02 lakh beneficiaries, he said, “What kind of house can anyone build on ‘one cent’ of land?”

Land allocated for ITI College and a government residential school at D. Hirehal and Bommanahal have also been cancelled, he alleged. Funds had already been sanctioned by the NABARD for the college, they pointed out.

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