HMR takes steps to prevent spread of COVID-19

Hyderabad Metro Rail has announced the following steps taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in view of a positive case detected in the city on Tuesday. All the metro employees have been counselled about the preventive measures to be taken like hand hygiene, dos and don’ts , reporting sickness, etc. All the metro stations, trains, touch surface areas, escalators, hand rails and so on will be cleaned with soap/detergents after the operational hours when passengers are not there. Soon announcements will be made and posters will be displayed inside the trains for the benefit of passengers.

“We are keeping a close watch on the situation. Health Minister Eatala Rajendar and Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister K.T. Rama Rao are monitoring. So far there has been no impact on the ridership. It has normal like any other working day,” said MD N.V.S. Reddy.

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