IoT-based smart home appliances launched

Haier India, one of the leading brands of major home appliances and consumer electronics, has announced launch of 83 products across categories with IoT-based smart home solutions tuned to contemporary lifestyle and convenience of the end user.

The latest products showcased by the company across categories, including air-conditioners, washing machines, refrigerators, televisions, microwave ovens, deep-freezers and water heaters at the HICC in the city on Saturday, stood out for innovation and for identifying the unaddressed requirements of customers and delivering products relevant to their needs.

The company also displayed eight new models of washing machines including front load smart silent washing machine with a big drum of 595mm. President, Haier Appliances India, Eric Braganza, said the company had been growing consistently and in 2019, it grew by 36% in spite of economic slowdown and they aspired to be among top three brands by 2021.

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