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Jeff Bezos in zero gravity during Blue Origin spaceflight with others

Jeff Bezos in zero gravity

Jeff Bezos in zero gravity

Watch Jeff Bezos and Wally Funk in zero gravity during Blue Origin spaceflight

Jeff Bezos in zero gravity during Blue Origin spaceflight with others

Four Blue Origin astronauts, including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and aviation legend Wally Funk, experienced zero gravity during the company’s first crewed visit. 

During the trip, the four experienced ten minutes and ten seconds of weightlessness, screaming and rejoicing as they went into orbit for approximately three minutes.

Mr. Bezos was joined on the Blue Origin’s first crewed trip by his brother Mark, 82-year-old retired engineer Wally Funk.

 Funk would be the oldest cosmonaut.

18-year-old Oliver Daemen, a student was granted a spot on the journey.

Jeff Bezos Travels To Space In His Own Rocket and returns- World’s Richest Man

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