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Fatal Road Accident That Claimed BRS MLA of Lasya Nanditha.

Lasya Nanditha

Lasya Nanditha

Fatal Road Accident That Claimed BRS MLA of Lasya Nanditha

In a decimating incidence, Lasya Nanditha, MLA from Secunderabad Cantonment, perished in a road accident. While driving towards her office from her residence on the ORR she was involved in a major accident that resulted in immediate death. It is suspected that Akash, her personal assistant, was seriously wounded in the collision. The police got the information and came to the accident site and witnessed the car having a very badly damaged front end. Legal details are still to follow.

Recovering from a car crash was a very recent experience of Lasya Nanditha. The lucky part was that it was just not very serious. The BRS’s working president, KTR, himself visited her to share his condolences. Indeed, it is such a deep sorrow that she has died in another road collision just a few days later. Nandita Lasya the daughter of the late former MLA Sayanna the BRS party offers her a chance to contest after her father passed on.

The early demise of the young MLA has hit KCR, former CM and BRS chief, and former minister KTR who are all heart broken over the tragedy. The sad passing of the very young Lasya Nandita who had become the MLA is a matter that has personally moved the leader. He declared his party BRS is with them and the family members of the victim and offered his deepest condolences.

“Lasya’s death has brought extreme grief. She was respected at a youthful age and obtained the people’s love. The BRS party expresses its sympathy to her family members during this difficult period. Very sorry,” he shared through social media.

KTR also expressed his dismay at Lasya Nanditha’s death, recalling his visit to her a week ago and lamenting her absence now as a tragic loss. “I pray for strength for her family members and friends to endure this painful and challenging time,” he said.

He revealed that learning about Lasya Nandita‘s death was a shocking and deeply saddening piece of news to wake up to. KTR had visited her after her recent accident, which she survived with minor injuries, and shared a photo from that visit, marking the gravity of the loss.

The tragic news of Lasya Nanditha, MLA of Secunderabad Cantonment, dying early Friday morning in a road accident on the ORR, where her car collided with the road railing leading to her instant death, has been confirmed.

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