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Latest News, Breaking News, Global News-July 13, 2023

Latest News, Breaking News, Global News

Latest News, Breaking News, Global News

Latest News, Breaking News, Global News-July 13, 2023

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1-Kim Jong-Un leaps from his seat and claps his hands in celebration as North Korea successfully launches a second solid-fuel ICBM.

Images of Kim Jong-Un cheering and clapping after his nation fired its most recent intercontinental ballistic missile were posted by North Korea’s state media. The launch was described as a “great explosion” that rocked “the whole planet” by North Korea. An Hwasong-18 that Pyongyang successfully launched had only been fired once before, in April.

2-Delhi Floods Reach Red Fort; Submerged Homes, Hospitals, and Roads; Inter-State Bus Service Cancelled

Delhi’s Yamuna River is still rising, flooding important thoroughfares, medical facilities, and affluent neighbourhoods like civil lines. At 6 o’clock, the water level had risen 208.66 inches, exceeding all prior records. The famous Red Fort was submerged by the storms. Bus services have been impacted by the flooding at Kashmiri Gate, the major interstate bus terminal in Delhi.

3 ‘Modi Hai To Mumkin Hai,’ Says Paris While in France, the Indian PM receives a rousing welcome from the diaspora

The Indian diaspora in Paris lined up on the streets to greet Prime Minister Narendra Modi. After arriving in Paris, Modi took selfies, interacted with kids, and spoke with a few Indians. Modi is in France for a historic two-day visit. On July 14, he will serve as the main guest at the Bastille Day celebrations.

4-Indian fighter jets will fly over Paris; IAF Rafales will make their first appearance in France on July 14

Three Scorpene-class conventional submarines and an additional 26 Rafale fighter jets for the Indian Navy have been approved for purchase by the Indian Defence Ministry. The agreement would probably be signed between India and France while Prime Minister Narendra Modi is there. The honoree of this year’s Bastille Day celebration in Paris is Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

5 Animation to Explain India’s Moonshot

The “Bahubali” rocket from India is prepared to lift off and place the Chandrayaan-3 satellite into orbit. Chandrayaan-3 will set out on its arduous voyage from Andhra Pradesh’s Sriharikota, and it is anticipated that it would make a soft landing on the moon’s surface near the end of August. Pallava Bagla, a former science editor for NDTV, uses animation to deconstruct the complexity of Mission Chandrayaan.

6-Ground Report: A Bridge Across A River Or A Red Fort Wall? It’s Tough To Tell

During the course of the night, the water level in Delhi’s swollen Yamuna increased even more, flooding homes, disrupting public transportation, and necessitating emergency measures.

7-China launches the first methane-fueled space launch rocket, designated ‘Zhuque-2’

The contest to launch an enormous rocket propelled by liquid oxygen and methane has been won by a private Chinese aerospace company called LandSpace. Today at 9:00am, the rocket launched from the Gobi Desert’s Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre. It became the first spacecraft in the entire world to accomplish this accomplishment when it successfully launched a test payload into sun-synchronous orbit.

8-Pakistan gets a $3 billion rescue from the IMF and money from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

A $3 billion bailout for Pakistan has received board clearance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The country in crisis will receive approximately $1.2 billion upfront, with the remaining amount to be paid over the following nine months. The country of South Asia was in danger of going into debt default. It hardly had enough foreign currency to cover a month’s worth of imports. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), two of the nation’s friends, also gave the nation money this week. The bailout, according to Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, was a significant advancement in attempts to stabilise the economy.

9-Former ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan spoke at the launch of the Chandrayaan-3

Nambi Narayanan, a former scientist with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), praised Chandrayaan-3 on Thursday, calling it a possible game-changer that will inspire people all over the world. His remarks came just before India’s ambitious lunar mission lifts off. He continued by saying that Chandrayaan-2’s mistakes were tried to be avoided with the third lunar exploration mission.

10-In the most recent Q&A session, Shah Rukh Khan shares information on Jawan!

Shah Rukh Khan enjoys interacting with his followers and frequently does so on Twitter using the #Asksrk hashtag session. He just held a session where he discussed his movie, Jawan, in detail.

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