Malayalee From India Movie Review (Sony Liv)

Malayalee From India Movie Review (Sony Liv): A Tale of Unexpected Adventures

Movie Name: Malayalee From India
Release Date: 2024-07-05
Cast: Nivin Pauly, Dhyan Sreenivasan, Anaswara Rajan, Deepak Jethi, Manju Pillai
Director: Dijo Jose Antony
Producer: Listin Stephen
Music: Jekes Bejoy
Banner: Magic Frames

Nivin Pauly stars in the movie “Malayalee From India,” which was released in theaters on May 1st and is available in Telugu.

The film primarily focuses on the last 20 minutes, requiring the audience to engage with the rest of the movie for the climax.

Malayalam films are gaining significant popularity on OTT platforms due to their simple yet natural content, attracting audiences from other languages as well. Following this trend, another Malayalam movie,

“Malayalee From India,” has been released on the Sony Liv platform. This film, featuring Nivin Pauly and directed by Dijo Jose Antony, hit theaters on May 1st and is now available in Telugu.

Plot Summary:

Gopi (Nivin Pauly) is a young man from a village who loses his father at a young age.

His family consists of his mother and sister. Gopi, who doesn’t take up the family’s responsibilities, spends his time idly with his friend Mal Ghosh (Dhyan Sreenivasan).

His mother, concerned about his lack of direction, asks her brother to help find a job for him.

Gopi, who is in love with Krishna (Anaswara Rajan), becomes involved in political turmoil as elections approach.

Mal Ghosh leads Gopi into a conflict with another party, resulting in Gopi being targeted. To protect him, his uncle arranges for Gopi to go abroad just as the COVID-19 pandemic begins to escalate.

Upon landing, Gopi meets Momin, who is supposed to take him to a safe location. Instead, Gopi finds himself on the Pakistan border, handed over to a Pakistani named Sher Khan.

The lockdown complicates his situation, preventing him from escaping.

The story revolves around Gopi’s realization that he is in Pakistan, the reasons behind his uncle’s decision to send him there, and the challenges he faces amidst the global pandemic.

The narrative unfolds with Gopi’s efforts to navigate his predicament.


Malayalam films often excel with simple storylines and low budgets, focusing on emotional depth with a minimal cast. “Malayalee From India” presents an intriguing concept of a naive youth accidentally ending up on the Pakistan border during a lockdown. However, the execution falters.

The first half of the film revolves around the protagonist’s carefree antics, while the second half is dominated by interactions between Gopi and Sher Khan.

The film attempts to convey a message of Hindu-Muslim friendship, but the scenes lack coherence.

The story struggles to maintain interest throughout, with the final message feeling unearned due to a lack of engaging scenes.

The sporadic comedy and emotional moments are insufficient to leave a lasting impact. The role of the heroine, Anaswara Rajan, is underdeveloped and doesn’t contribute significantly to the plot.

The film‘s notable aspect is its cinematography, which occasionally offers visually pleasing locations. Jakes Bejoy’s background score is adequate.

The film’s structure splits into two distinct halves, with the first focusing on Gopi and his friend, and the second on Gopi and Sher Khan, leaving other characters underutilized.

Malayalee From India Movie Review

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