It was fun and frolic at the 27th annual day of Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (SVIMS), the TTD-run super-speciality hospital, observed here on Wednesday. Speakers at the meet brought key facts pertaining to the brighter side of the hospital to light.
SVIMS Director and Vice-Chancellor Bhuma Vengamma presented the annual report for 2019 and handed over the copies to the guests of the day, including Satyavedu MLA K. Adimoolam and MLC Yandapalli Srinivasulu Reddy.
In her address, she said that the hospital was in the forefront among government hospitals in the State in implementing Dr. YSR Aarogyasri scheme. A total of 745 camps (combining both Dr.NTR Vaidya Seva camps and SVIMS outreach camps) had been conducted so far, benefiting 2.08 lakh patients. “In terms of elimination of out-of-pocket expenditure among underprivileged population, this is equivalent to nearly ₹398.65 crore,” Dr. Vengamma observed. She also recalled the ‘Pink Bus’ initiative to diagnose potential cancer cases among rural women.
While appreciating the gesture, the political leaders advised the hospital management to continue providing medical treatment on charitable basis to the needy patients of the backward Rayalaseema region.
Bhaskar C. Harinath, honorary professor of biochemistry at MGIMS Wardha, and a Dr. B.C. Roy national award recipient, and Subhashini Yaturu, USA-based endocrinologist, were all praise for the services rendered by the hospital in the super-speciality segment. SVIMS Dean M. Hanumantha Rao, Registrar Sridhar Babu and Sri Padmavathi Medical College for Women (SPMCW) Principal Sharan B. Singh also took part.
Meanwhile, the first outgoing batch of MBBS students and internees at SPMCW will felicitate their teachers at a grand function slated for Thursday. The students have also announced to honour Dr. Vengamma, who had played a key role in establishing the college during her previous stint as the Vice-Chancellor.
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