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Thousands line the streets for Hanumantha Vahanam in Tirupati

Dressed as Lord Rama, the presiding deity of Sri Kalyana Venkateswara was taken in a huge procession on Hanumantha Vahanam on the sixth day of the annual Brahmotsavams at Srinivasa Mangapuram on Wednesday.

Hanuman is celebrated as an icon of ‘Saranagati’, meaning total and unquestioned surrender to the Lord. Bringing together the virtues of both the Lords, the TTD promoted the procession as ‘Venkatadri Ramudu’. ‘Vasanthotsavam’ was observed in the afternoon between the two processions as a breather from the hectic schedule.

Kalyana Venkateswara, flanked by Sridevi and Bhudevi, took a celestial ride on the golden chariot ‘Swarna Ratham’ in the evening. Splendour marked the procession of the mighty ‘Gaja Vahanam’ late in the evening, which was witnessed by thousands of devotees.

At Sri Kapileswara temple, the processional deity was taken atop ‘Vyaghra Vahanam’ resembling a tiger in the morning and ‘Gaja Vahanam’ in the evening. A celestial bath was given to the deities of Somaskanda Murthy and Kamakshi Ammavaru in the afternoon.

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