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Three-day Fish Food Festival inaugurated

Hyderabad will soon have 150 mobile outlets for hawking fish in all the 150 divisions of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation. This was announced by Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav while inaugurating a three-day Fish Food Festival at the NTR Stadium in the city on Friday.

“The State government is investing crores to help improve the livelihoods of communities that depend on fishing. This has led to a surge in fish production in the State. But the marketing opportunities have not matched this growth. The mobile outlets are a step in the direction,” said Mr. Yadav.

The Minister outlined other marketing efforts as well as financial aids to help improve the community.

Ram Nagar fish market

“Hyderabad has nearly one crore population but the number of fish markets are limited. The Begum Bazaar Fish Market was in a poor shape, we are building a bigger and better facility to help people. I have asked for plans to improve the Ram Nagar fish market as well,” informed Mr. Yadav.

A range of prepared fish items are on sale at the festival where 20 stalls have been set up by different women’s cooperatives in the city. “This festival was planned at a short notice but women have shown their resourcefulness and we have a range of innovative items, including fish haleem,” said K. Padma of District Fishermen Cooperative Society.

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