NCW takes suo moto action in Trisha Krishnan Mansoor Ali Khan issue.

NCW takes suo moto action in Trisha Krishnan Mansoor Ali Khan issue.

Mansoor Ali Khan’s Sexist Remarks: Mansoor Ali Khan is a tamil actor who said disparaging words about actress Trisha Krishnan when meeting with reporters.

Trisha’s Reaction: Trisha denounced the remark and said that she would never work there together.

Celebrity Support: There are a lot of celebrities that have spoken in favor if Trisha.

Mansoor’s Inadequate Response: In their press release, however, Mansoor Ali Khan failed to offer any apologies.

NCW Intervention: Mansoor Ali Khan has been sued by National Commission for Women (NCW) over suo moto.

Legal Measures: Therefore, the NCW instructed the Tamil Nadu DGP to use IPC Section 509 B and applicable laws to charge Khan with this offense.

Public Outcry: The public demands for Mansoor Ali Khan’s arrest; further details will be released later.

Summary: NCW has waded into the Mansoor Ali Khan vs Trisha Krishan controversy where various legal proceedings are likely to be instituted and supported by both public and public figures on behalf of Trisha.

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