APSRTC to ply 2,555 spl buses for Sivaratri

To cater to the transport needs of devotees visiting Shaivite temples on the occasion of Sivaratri, the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) will operate 2,555 special buses across the State on Friday and Saturday (February 21 and 22).

Corporation’s Executive Director (Operations) Brahmananda Reddy said 792 special buses would be plied to the famous Shaivite temple Kotappa Konda and 850 personnel (officials, supervisors and security staff) had been posted to monitor their movement.

Srisailam being a major destination for Shiva devotees, 466 buses from different districts in the State would ply on this route, and 75 buses from Krishna and Guntur districts towards Amaravathi.

He said movement of the buses would be under constant monitoring by a team of officials and staff to be appointed in every depot and arrangements had been made for supply of adequate drinking water and proper toilets for the passengers.

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