Governor unveils book on Gandhi and Lincoln

At a book launch on Gandhi and Lincoln, Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan noted the coincidence of the United States President Donald Trump meeting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“This book is about two of the greatest leaders of two countries, United States and India, and I am surprised at the coincidence that two great leaders of our times, Mr Trump and Mr Modi, are meeting in Delhi today,” said the Governor. She was speaking after releasing the book at an event of Federation of Telangana Chambers of Commerce and Industry on Tuesday.

The book, written by Chandrashekar Katipelli, brings out various facets of the two leaders including their outlook towards success. “When the Chauri Chara police station was burnt resulting in the death of 22 police personnel, Mahatma Gandhi withdrew his Satyagraha agitation though three civilians were also killed by the police. For him means mattered as much as the ends. Lincoln, on the other hand, had different views about success,” said V.S. Sampath, former chief election commissioner, who was the guest of honour at the event.

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