How to use WhatsApp Web Group Video Call 2022: So you can make a call

How to use WhatsApp Web Group Video Call 2022: So you can make a call

In recent years, particularly after the COVID-19 outbreak and the travel restrictions imposed during the initial months of the pandemic, video calls have increased.

It is becoming more popular as a medium of communication among the general public.

Due to the inability to meet in person on numerous occasions, this work in WhatsApp has become quite popular.

The number of persons who may join in group video conversations was recently increased, however the PC versions were not updated in this respect, therefore neither WhatsApp Web nor WhatsApp Desktop App have these capabilities enabled.

So, if you want to start a basic video conference with one contact, the best method to accomplish it is with a one-on-one video call, which is feasible via computer.

How to use WhatsApp Web

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