Latest News, Breaking News, Global News- December 28, 2022

Latest News, Breaking News, Global News- December 28, 2022

1- PM Modi travels to Ahmedabad as his mother Heeraben Modi is hospitalised

Heeraben Modi, the mother of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has reportedly been admitted to the hospital after her condition apparently worsened overnight night. In a hurry, the prime minister headed to Ahmedabad. Heeraben Modi turned 99 this year in June, according to sources. She is now a patient at an Ahmedabad hospital.

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2-It is not advised to use the Covid-19 nasal vaccine after receiving a booster dose.

Doctors have recommended anyone who have already received the Covid-19 booster dose to use the newly released nasal vaccine as a booster dose rather than taking it.

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3-A “brain-eating amoeba” kills a person in South Korea; is this the beginning of another Covid?

Days after South Korea announced its first death from a rarely heard-of virus, online traffic has been exploding with people searching for information on this deadly infection from all over the world. The death of a man from a fatal infection brought on by “Naegleria fowleri,” often known as the “brain-eating amoeba,” was verified by South Korean officials on Monday. In this video, we explain what exactly Naegleri Fowleri—also known as the “brain-eating amoeba”—is. and the dangers that this deadly virus poses.

4-In Andhra Pradesh, a stampede killed seven people after they fell into a drain during Chandrababu Naidu’s road show.

In Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, a stampede claimed the lives of seven people on December 28. One of the deceased was a lady. The incident occurred as Chandrababu Naidu, the former chief minister of the state, was conducting a roadshow. For the roadshow, a sizable crowd had assembled. People pushed one another ahead in a stampede-like scene as they rushed to see Naidu. At a nearby hospital, the injured are receiving medical attention. Naidu cancelled the gathering and said that the families of the deceased would receive Rs. 10 lakh.

5-Snow Storm in Japan: Major Snowfall Claims At Least 17 Lives and Injures Dozens

Heavy snowfall in Japan caused at least 17 fatalities. According to CNN, there have been close to 90 injuries. Since mid-December, the significant snowfall has caused cars to become immobilised on the road and delayed delivery services, particularly along the west coast.

6-Ex-AIIMS Chief: “People At Higher Risk Of Serious Illnesses Should Take Covid Booster”

It is significant since it raises your immunity. Dr. Randeep Guleria, a former director of the AIIMS, advised those who are particularly vulnerable to serious ailments to take them.

7-More than 200 automobiles and trucks in China collide after slipping on a slippery road owing to heavy fog.

In the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, which is part of the Henan province, more than 200 cars and trucks collided on a bridge. On Wednesday, there was a significant automobile pileup owing to exceptionally dense fog. After slipping on the icy road, cars and trucks were spotted crumpled and stacked on top of one another on the Zhengxin Huanghe bridge. According to CCTV, the accident resulted in one death and numerous injuries.

8-IIT Couple Leaves US Jobs to Become Farmers

Meet Sakshi Bhatia and Arpit Maheshwari, who left their lucrative employment in the United States and returned to India, where they had to start over from nothing.

9-Sunak government ramps up anti-‘rioters’ campaign following India-Pak clashes in Leicester

12 more people have been taken into custody this month by UK police who are looking into the fights between groups of men that broke out in Leicester during an India-Pakistan match in August. This Thursday, the British police provided an update, noting that their investigation team is going over the material and has identified several individuals. They said that they had investigated the communal conflicts in order to make over 47 arrests.

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